August 13, 2021
New guidance AYSO National and local government officials regarding the reporting of COVID and related protocols. See Guidance and Information sources at the end of this notice.
First, we continue to encourage any spectators at training and games to maintain physical distancing (6 ft+). We also continue to ask coaches and players to also maintain physical distancing (6 ft+) when not active on the field. Anyone is welcome to also wear a mask whether playing, coaching or observing.
Recognizing the symptoms and acting are important steps to reducing the spread of COVID-19. Attached is a COVID-19 Symptoms Chart. We encourage you to review the recommendations issued by the Center for Disease Control. Links from CDC and the County of Ventura can be found at the bottom of this notice. The County asked us to refer families to them (contact info below) as situations and recommendations may differ on a family by family basis.
Any, player, volunteer, spectator who has COVID-19 symptoms should self-quarantine and seek appropriate medical advice and/or care.
Families and any volunteer should self-report to the Region 1) if they have symptoms of COVID-19, 2) a positive test for COVID-19, or 3) were exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the past 14 days.
AYSO will make every effort to protect the confidentiality and privacy of all involved including never revealing the name of the individual or family reporting a case of COVID-19 except to the local health agency as required.
Steps For Reporting:
1) Families should report to their Team Manager or Coach
2) Coaches will fill out the AYSO Injury Incident Report for the reporting player and/or volunteer
3) Coaches will send the Injury Incident Report to the Safety Director (121 Safety Director)
4) The Regional Commissioner will send the report to the AYSO National office and contact County of Ventura Health Officials with contact info
5) Regional Commissioner will notify coach/team/parent affected families with Health Official instructions
1) Families will fill-out and sign a Return to Play form indicating the person(s) is symptom free and fulfilled the Ventura County quarantine time frame – and then can return AYSO events (practices, games, meetings, etc.). This form should be sent to the Safety Director (121 Safety Director).
2) The Region will advise coaches and families on when they can resume activities
The safety and well-being of all our participants and families is our first priority. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work through these difficult times. Please continue below for more detailed guidance from the County of Ventura Health Department staff as well as links to more resources.
Danyelle Ripling
Regional Commissioner
General Guidance (Aug 13, 2021):
1. Report COVID-19 positives and Exposed individuals to Public Health as part of the reportable diseases.
2. Identify through screening (before the game) any symptomatic players/coach/support staff. Isolate and send them home immediately.
3. As soon as someone is reported as positive, do not let them play that day and send home immediately.
4. Identify two days before the positive person’s last day of attendance in order to count close contact exposed individuals (close contact: 15 mins or with the positive person, who were within 6 feet or closer in the last 24 hours).
5. Create a list (also known as line list) to identify who exactly fits the close contact definition
6. Quarantine all close contacts and isolate the positive people
7. Recommend all of the exposed people to get tested 3-5 days post last exposure
8. Monitor symptoms
9. Clean and disinfect areas any shared items, commonly used places
10. Notify parents to answer Public Health’s calls for case investigations
Scenario Guidance (Aug 13, 2021):
These scenarios generated the following recommendations
1) Team A has a player at practice who tested positive within 2 days after practice (2 day count back if was not symptomatic or if we don't know)
2) All on team A should quarantine, monitor symptoms and is asked to test within 3-5 days of the potential exposure - and then test again at 10th day if had been negative (can take up to 14 days to show up)
1) Team B - A sibling/parent has someone in their household (close contact) - or has come in close contact with someone (within 6 ft for 15 min in 24 hr. period) who tested positive within 2 days of the last Team B practice. They themselves have no symptoms.
2) All on team B - not a hard quarantine but monitor symptoms and asked to test within 3-5 days of the potential exposure - and then test again at 10th day if it had been negative (can take up to 14 days to show up) - even if no symptoms the County would like you tested because can carry and be asymptomatic. The individual who had close contact but does not show symptoms should get tested with 3-5 days and again at the 10th day.